Adjust the Color of Various Elements to Complementary Colors
The Complementary Colors challenge showed that opposite colors on the color wheel can make each other appear more vibrant when placed side-by-side. However, the strong visual contrast can be jarring if it's overused on a website, and can sometimes make text harder to read if it's placed on a complementary-colored background. In practice, one of the colors is usually dominant and the complement is used to bring visual attention to certain content on the page.
This page will use a shade of teal (#09A7A1) as the dominant color, and its orange (#FF790E) complement to visually highlight the sign-up buttons. Change thebackground-colorof both theheaderandfooterfrom black to the teal color. Then change theh2textcolorto teal as well. Finally, change thebackground-colorof thebuttonto the orange color.