Program & Coding/Visual design

Visual design. Make Screen Reader Navigation Easier with the footer Landmark

포니라이더 2022. 1. 8. 00:14

Make Screen Reader Navigation Easier with the footer Landmark


Similar to header and nav, the footer element has a built-in landmark feature that allows assistive devices to quickly navigate to it. It's primarily used to contain copyright information or links to related documents that usually sit at the bottom of a page.



Camper Cat's training page is making good progress. Change the div he used to wrap his copyright information at the bottom of the page to a footer element.



        <li><a href="#stealth">Stealth &amp; Agility</a></li>
        <li><a href="#combat">Combat</a></li>
        <li><a href="#weapons">Weapons</a></li>
    <section id="stealth">
      <h2>Stealth &amp; Agility Training</h2>
      <article><h3>Climb foliage quickly using a minimum spanning tree approach</h3></article>
      <article><h3>No training is NP-complete without parkour</h3></article>
    <section id="combat">
      <h2>Combat Training</h2>
      <article><h3>Dispatch multiple enemies with multithreaded tactics</h3></article>
      <article><h3>Goodbye world: 5 proven ways to knock out an opponent</h3></article>
    <section id="weapons">
      <h2>Weapons Training</h2>
      <article><h3>Swords: the best tool to literally divide and conquer</h3></article>
      <article><h3>Breadth-first or depth-first in multi-weapon training?</h3></article>

  <footer>&copy; 2018 Camper Cat</footer>
